Keeping your heart healthy is necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, there are many types of network security management to run a successful business. 

Information flows through your networks like blood flowing through veins providing essential information to employees who require it for their job in the business.

Since the digital network acts as the circulatory system and heart.

Without a functioning network, the whole company can fail. So, keeping your network healthy is essential.

It all starts with the management of IT networks.

What Is a Network Management System?

Network management is the process tools, processes, and network management software used to manage the network operations and maintenance of the network infrastructure. 

Network performance management and fault analysis are part of the management of networks. 

If you want to know What Is Network Management? In simple terms, network management is the practice of maintaining your network's health that keeps your company well-maintained.

Types of Network Security Management

Our network can be a protected system in various ways according to the nature of the attack that is being made on our network.

Therefore, there are numerous types of Network Security Management, but only a few are described in the following section.

  • Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

  • Email Security

  • Firewalls

  • Mobile Security

  • Network Segmentation

  • Web Security

  • Endpoint Security

  • Access Control

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

The software for protection that is utilized to protect our system from malware, viruses, Trojan attacks, worms, and other malware is an antivirus and anti-malware application. 

This is one of the important Types of Network Security Management.

The software checks the system and the network in search of malware or Trojan attacks each time an additional file is added within the system.

It also detects and resolves the problem if it's caught with infected data or viruses.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Large-scale companies or MNCs ensure the security of their data center and network resources by providing that employees do not divulge the information they keep to the outside world.

This is accomplished by using DLP technology where the network administrators control the employee's access to stop it from sharing to the public by blocking. 

The ports and websites allow uploading, forwarding, or printing of information.

Email Security

The attackers could spread the malware or virus to the network by distributing the malware via email. 

One of the crucial Types of Network Security Management for every business enterprise.

This is why you need highly skilled email security software that can check the messages received for viruses and remove data that is suspicious and control the flow of news to avoid any loss of data to the system.


They are an integral component of the network system. It serves as a barrier between two computer networks and devices. 

It's an established set of rules that are employed to protect the network from unauthorized access.

Firewalls come in two varieties, i.e., hardware and software. They filter, block, and repair any unwanted entities in the network. 

The firewall software is included in the systems to protect against different kinds of attacks.

The Networking Firewall on the hardware acts as an intermediary between two networking systems to ensure that only a predefined user or network traffic is allowed to access this network and its resource.

Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) is the security system for networks that include rules. 

By adhering to them, you will be able to identify threats and block them.

Mobile Security

Cybercriminals can effectively hack and attack mobile phones by using the facility for data on handsets. 

They can also access the device via any insecure resource link on the site.

Thus, it is important to install an antivirus program on your device. 

Users must download or upload information from trusted sources and secure websites only.

Network Segmentation

From a security point of view, a software-based company will split their critical information into two or three components and store them in multiple locations and across several network devices or resources.

This is to ensure that, in the worst scenario, if the information at any point has been damaged or destroyed through a virus attack, it can be restored from backup sources.

Web Security

Web security refers to the network provisioning of restricted access to websites and URLs to prevent access to websites more susceptible to hackers and viruses. 

This is primarily focused on avoiding cyber-based security threats.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security is essential for the network system, which allows users present at the remote end to access. 

The robust database of the company from a small device, such as laptops or mobile phones.

A variety of software that has built-in advanced endpoint security features is utilized to accomplish this. 

It provides seven protection layers, including auto-sandbox, file-reputation, and web-filtering antivirus software and firewalls.

Access Control

The network must be constructed to ensure that people are not able to access all resources.

This is accomplished by using a password, unique user ID, and authenticating the network. 

This is referred to as an access networking controller because we can restrict access to networks when we implement it.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

An entire system is extremely safe by using VPN networks, in conjunction with encryption techniques for authentication, and streaming data over the Internet to a remote computer or network.

IPSec is among the widely utilized authentication methods.

The Need for Network Security and Management

Internet usage has seen a dramatic increase as we move all of our daily routines towards full digitalization. 

As a result of the use of the Internet, the hackers and attackers also get more active, and our networks are subject to be more vulnerable to virus attacks. 

Experts follow different types of network management to ensure a smooth flow of a process. 

You need to know the right set of steps because it helps in keeping a clean infrastructure.

The basic need for security of networks is to fulfill two purposes principally. 

The first one is to protect the data from unauthorized access, and the second one is to protect the information stored on PC or laptops.

Not just for one network, but also for public or shared domain networks.


You need to know the Types of Network Security Management to understand the architecture. 

Your business is more than a device that provides management services or products to pay for them. 

It's more like being a living thing. Like our bodies, every part is interconnected inside a business and works together to make things move forward.

Suppose a company's management functions as the brain and its staff members are muscles. 

Muscles cannot function without oxygen that is carried by the blood. The blood can't move throughout the body without the circulatory system.