In a manner that is like humans, the computer systems make use of various types of cache memory to ensure they continue to run smoothly. 

Certain cache memory types are long-term memory used for more intensive functions, while others are employed for more frequent, shorter and basic tasks. 

All are essential to the general performance of the software and hardware that comprise the computer.

"Memory" is commonly used to refer to data storage. Still, other memory components serve a purpose beyond the scope of this remit, such as encryption and data retrieval, which is the central component in cache memory. 

Cache memory is not very useful, but it plays a vital function when interacting with other computer system members.

This lets computer programs keep recently-accessed information close to hand and can then be used over and over again, instead of having to use the identical set of instructions over and repeatedly. 

This is why systems that have a larger cache memory capacity are often able to function faster, since they can store more data.

What is Cache Memory? 

Technically speaking, in a technical sense, RAM (also known as random access memory) (RAM) or cache memory resembles similar functions. 

However, they differ and available in various types of cache memory in several ways, for instance access, data is saved in cache memory for future purposes.

Which means that the parts can be used immediately if operational or application information that isn't being used is stored in Server RAM.

In addition, the cache memory is quicker because it is nearer to the central processing unit (CPU) than RAM. 

It also tends to be smaller than RAM because it's only used to store the CPU's data to perform future tasks.

Different Types of Cache Memory 

  • Level-1 - Primary Cache L1

  • Level 2 Cache

  • Level-3 - L3 Cache

  • Web Caching

  • Data Caching

  • Application/Output Caching

  • Distributed Caching

    Level-1 - Primary Cache L1

    Primary Cache memory is a part of the processor memory address. It is located close to the CPU, making it an integral component of the CPU. 

    The size of the memory is small and ranges from 2KB to 64KB. The early Pentium Chip and Intel 486 chips included 16KB of cache memory. 

    It's a high-speed memory locations that permits the storage and retrieval of data and instructions in a processor that matches speed. 

    The CPU scans for information or instructions cache inside the L1 store hit first before searching for others. 

    Modern microprocessors have L1 cache memory integrated into the CPU cache, and accessing data is faster than regular memory, as the overall processing speed improves. 

    It will have separate memory allocated to each processor when using Multicore CPUs.

    Level 2 Cache

    The chip family was 486 until 486. It was the first time there wasn't an internal cache, and all external stores were used and were referred to as primary. 

    The 80486 processor chip was the first to have an internal supply of 8KB, as well as the Pentium family came with 256KB up to 512 KB of external L2 secondary cache.

    Level-3 - L3 Cache

    Multiple core CPUs each have their L1 and L2 caches for each core; however L3 cache is shared by all hearts and is shared among the centres. 

    The memory capacity of this cache ranges from 1 to 8 MB and is the biggest of L1, L2 and L3. It is faster than the L3 cache and is superior to that of the primary memory.

    Web Caching

    The browser keeps the history of data accessed as a memory locally on the computer. If a data request is made, the local cache memory is searched. 

    If the data is present in the cache but has not been updated since the last time it was accessed, the store retrieves the data, and the network traffic is significantly reduced. 

    The Web Caching process is managed at the level of the user, and the user can clear the cache data stored in it at any point.

    Caching on gateway and proxy servers differs from browser caching. It is a large group of users which is why it is managed centrally. 

    Domain name server information and mail server records are saved in the caches of these servers. The documents aren't updated frequently, so it is best to stay within the store longer. 

    The cache hit can be used to prevent excessive network connections and also reduce the time spent browsing.

    Data Caching

    Data extraction from a Database will always take longer due to input/output processing hardware limitations. 

    If the identical set of data is frequently accessed and stays the same for the course of time, it may be best to store the information inside the database cache kept by the application server. 

    This way, the number of database requests would go down, and the application will be able to access data more quickly from the data cache.

    There must be a way to remove the cache if the original information in the database has been altered to ensure that a new version is removed from the database in subsequent requests. 

    Caching and de-caching are performed at the Application and Database server levels.

    Application/Output Caching

    It is an integrated feature in the Content Management Software, and it speeds up the download of web pages. It also will result in a significant decrease in the overhead of servers. 

    It utilizes caching methods on servers that cache the raw HTML rather than caching raw data sets using the data caching option.

    Caching can happen at the page level or in parts of the page-level module levels, but usually, caching takes place at an HTML level. A reduction of 50% in load times for pages is achievable in this manner.

    Distributed Caching

    In large high-volume systems, data is stored on multiple databases. The data from these database servers are stored on web servers. 

    There will be several servers that are part of the cache distributed. Data is delivered to applications using this cache. 

    The stock won't become empty since new servers can join the pool without disrupting users. 

    This method is used by various major players such as Youtube, Google, and Amazon to serve content faster to their users.

    Key Features of Cache Memory

    The cache memory is located in the space between the processor and memory. This means that the cache memory has a shorter access time than memory and is faster than the primary memory. 

    Cache memory can have access times of around 100ns. At the same time, the main memory could have access times of 700ns.

    The requirement for Server Cache Memory comes from the inconsistency between the speed that the primary memory has and the Server CPU

    A CPU's speed is rapid, but its main memory's access time is slower. Therefore, regardless of the processor's speed, its processing speed will depend heavily on the processing speed of memory used for primary purposes (the strength of an entire chain is the strength of the weakest link). 

    This is why a memory cache with an access time closer to the processor's speed is created.

    Cache Memory in a Computer

    The cache memory in a computer is where you store all the programs (or their components) that are currently running or could be executed in a short duration. 

    The cache memory also holds temporary data that the CPU could need to manipulate.

    The memory in the cache works by various algorithms, which determine what data it is required to save. 

    These algorithms determine the probabilities to determine which information is the most often needed. This probability is determined by analyzing the past data.

    The Server Flash Memory Card is expensive and therefore is only able to hold a certain amount of data. It functions as a buffer of high speed between the main memory and the CPU. 

    It can be used to temporarily hold very active information and processes, since the cache's memory is more efficient than the main memory. 

    The processing speed can be increased by making the information and instructions required for current processing accessible within the cache.


    The cache memory is costly and therefore is very small in capacity. The cache memory was initially accessible separately, but microprocessors housed the cache memory in the chip. 

    There are different types of cache memory with high-speed functionalities. You need to know the best kind because it helps you buy the right product effectively.

    It is essential to work on the validity bit to take maximum mileage out of the cache memory from time to time.